Called to Share
Many of the things Paul addresses in Romans are often overlapping with others, which may be why the book seems to be rather repetitive sometimes, but even though it may be repetitive, its a constant reminder of how important something may be. Maybe God is trying to tell us something.
Similarly in chapter 10, Paul starts off and reminds us in verse 3 that salvation is found in our faith in Christ, not in our works. We can continue to try to find salvation by doing good deeds but it will not work and will not satisfy either. Only through Christ can we receive the great gift of eternal life.
If we think about logically, how does news spread, in this case, the good news? For one to believe the gospel, that have to hear it first hand. For them to hear it first hand, it has to be preached or shared with them, and for it to be shared, someone has to go and share it. God calls each and every one of us to evangelize and share the gospel with those around us. Especially with the second coming of Christ nearing, the urgency of evangelism is greater than ever. We must take it upon ourselves to be the bearer of this great news.
I confess, evangelism was never something I was comfortable with, and I'm always scared to share, to speak out about it. Sometimes i just feel like it won't work, or rejection is bound to happen anyways. Of course i realized how great it is for someone else to be saved, but I just feel like its almost impossible for them to change and realize it.
Ultimately, it is God himself who changes people's hearts and you do need to pray about it before going at it, and it most definitely is possible. We are instruments, and it is only God who works through us that is doing the real changing.
Yet although i know all this, there's still something holding me back from going out there and sharing. Im not sure what it is, evangelism has always been an aspect of Christianity that i've somewhat avoided. I pray God will challenge me in these situations, and push me towards sharing the good news with others.
I personally believe that everyone on this earth will get the chance to hear the good news one way or another before their time is up, but let us be the ones to share the news, the ones to bring this genuine joy to someone else's lives.
verse of the day: Matthew 28:19-20
19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
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