Journey: Guangxi
Second training. The missions trip is approaching fast actually, I'm leaving early july, so that gives us about less than 3 months before we depart and execute this. Today's training was surrounding the topic of Personality. For unity to happen, we must be able to understand each other and our teams, how we work, who we are as people. So we did a quick test.
There are four animals.
The Lion - the extrovert, task-oriented, strong, direct, but too dictatorial.
The Otter - the extrovert, people-oriented, open and positive, but may talk to much.
The Golden Retriever - the introvert, people-oriented, calm and sensitive, but can get hurt easily
The Beaver - the introvert, task-oriented, has high standards, but is a perfectionist.
I ranked as the golden retriever. And I can totally see it in myself, I'm sensitive, i try my best to sympathize with others, but I can get too sensitive and be hurt easily.
Looking around at the new faces at the training, naturally, there are people i tend to stay closer to, there are people who i judge based on first impressions, for instance there's this one team member who i just am not getting the best vibe from. I feel like we won't mix... and I don't know how to handle it.
We're also in somewhat of an uncomfortable situation. I didn't want to be put in a group with these people, but this team came together from different churches to make up this team. Its another chance to get out of my comfort zone, meet new people, and start new friendships. I have to continue to push myself forward and out there.
During the sharing, they talked about a typical day of the trip. I came to realize that this trip is going to be my longest short term missions so far. OJ Quebec was only 4 days of crazy wake up early, sleep late schedules. Day Camp was two weeks, but it was only most of the day, but on this upcoming trip, we will be up from 6:30am-10pm pretty much everyday for two weeks. In crazy climate and temperatures, with lack of luxury (they said there won't be seated toilets). I wonder how i'll cope. I remember in the past, i've heard these "typical day" talks and them saying that we'll be all exhausted, but honestly i haven't really felt that.
Im guess i'm nervous to work with these new people, i hope that i can mesh well and just open up to them.
16From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
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