The I's Of The World

We've taken over.

Walking home today after school, on such a beautiful day, i looked up to the sky to see this aircraft flying by. I don't know what it was, the point of view, or the blue skies, but it looked really ... "majestic"? What hit me was that there were people on that plane. And I soon realized how advanced our society is now, that we've taken over. There are people on land, there are people underground, there are people miles under the ocean, and there are people miles into the sky.

Although I believe that God gave us this earth for us to live in, but thinking about how much we've used it, and how we aren't taking care of it. Society today is all about "i". Think about it, iPhone, iTunes, Apple has most definitely channeled that "i" concept. Even in the real world, people are constantly thinking about themselves, and using others to get to the top. We've become really selfish in our thinking, and we often forget to put others first and love others as well.

verse of the day: Matthew 23:12
12 For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.


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