Prove It!
Sunday School this week was a challenge. I think as Christians, there are many things we tend to avoid, but are yet so essential to our faith. Evangelism, standing up for our faith. As Christians, can we explain why we believe? This is what our teacher challenged us with. If you came across this question/statement, how would you answer it?
Prove That God Exists.
I remember when he asked us that question, as well as "is there a God", i cringed, i really didnt want to answer it. I felt so inable to answer it, i didnt feel equipped enough to answer it, to figure out all the facts, to disprove the big bang theory, or whatever other scientific facts, but the truth is we have to face this question. The world has this mindset that things arent true unless proven, thats what science is all about! But how do we prove something we cant see? How are we to answer this if it comes along our way one day? Think about it.
We went around the room sharing our ideas, and a university student was the person we were trying to convince, and many people gave interesting things that i was most interested to hear.
- If it was tilted an angle too much to the left or to the right, we would either burn or freeze.
- Scientists talk about how life was formed from amoebas to sea creatures to land creature, but how do you go from absolutely NOTHING to something without a greater and stronger force?
- Big bang theory, that planets are red shifted, that they are moving away, therefore at one point in time, they must have been close together, but what gave it that umph of energy to create that bang?
- there has to be a greater purpose in life, why are we living, without God, there is no true purpose on earth
- the bible has been sustained for so long, its almost impossible. If someone didnt believe then they could have destroyed and burned it, and yet it has been passed on and is still living and breathing for thousands of years
These were all things people shared and we discussed, are they strong, are they convincing, that's up to you.
Afterwards, the university student pointed out two answers she liked.
First, she said the answer that "if we could prove that God existed, then we wouldn't have a choice to believe or not". That is very true, if God was proven, everyone would realize the truth and turn to him right? That was very thought provoking for me.
Second, which i think i've talked about previously somewhere, is the comparison between other religions. That if you look at many other religions, they are all self-oriented, doing deeds to gain something, may it be self-fulfilment, or happiness. But if you look at Christianity, its the other way around, we have all be presented with the gift of the gospel and eternal life, its up to us to accept that gift or not. And also, you see that Christianity is the only faith that is inviting and welcoming. You dont see Buddhism holding events inviting people to be Buddhist as well. We are Christians are sharing and want others to hear the good news as well.
After all the talk, we came to a final conclusion, that i think is pretty solid. The best proof for this answer is you. The Christians. The Christ-followers. Are your deeds and your words proclaiming and glorifying Christ? If you are, others will see God working in you and through and that is the greatest proof that he lives, he reigns, and that he is the way, the truth and the life.
Are YOU the living proof to answer this question?
11 Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else believe on account of the works themselves.12 “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.
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