break my heart for what breaks yours.
Today was Today's Teens Conference for the AGAPE/BASIC leaders, and during our first breakout session, we went to Running With Fire: Passion for the Broken. Although it wasnt a session I wanted to attend, and reading the blurb about it, it didnt really appeal to me, but crazy things happen. I truly believe that if you willingly open your heart/mind/eyes to receive God's word, and whatever he wants to say to you, you'll get something out of it.
So during this session, our speaker talked about the broken. He talked about the brokenness, personal brokenness, the things we deal with, from cutting, to drugs, to sexual immorality, loneliness, depression, and pain. We are all broken, and im sure there are broken people around us. Its really important to really try to see that and be of support. One of the videos they showed today talked about seeing how God sees the world. At first, everyone seemed normal, playing games, socializing, but then when we were "given God's eyes", it revealed the baggage that everyone was going through, from teen pregnancies, to being self absorbed. God truly knows what everyone is going through, but we should be sensitive and see that in others as well.
He also talked about brokenness outside, internationally, in the world, from the poverty, famine and hunger, and how we can help. From sponsoring a child, to working with World Vision or doing the 30 hr famine and raising awareness. There were some crazy statistics they gave,
- The US Defense Bill for ONE DAY could eliminate world hunger
- The average amount spent on ice cream by Canadians could eliminate world hunger
But the end, he challenged us with this. He dared us pray this prayer, and mean it. "Break my heart for what breaks yours." I dont think i fully took it in, but its really a prayer to see with God's eyes, to build that passion for the broken. And if we can see the world from God's perspective, we can truly follow in his footsteps, and be his representatives and help those in need. If you can read this, it means you've been blessed to live in such a wealthy environment/country. God placed you in this position to be the leaders to help the broken, those who do not have that luxury. Challenge yourself, to pray that prayer, and take the first step forward.
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted
and saves the crushed in spirit.
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