Where is Your Line?
O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love, in all of sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
I am calling all people, regardless of their vaccination status to stand up for what is right and true.
I am calling all people, regardless of their vaccination status to stand up for basic human rights such as bodily autonomy.
I am calling all people, regardless of their vaccination status to stand up and to guard against coercion and discrimination.
What I am calling you to is no longer about the actual vaccine or the COVID-19 virus. By now, we have all taken the time to consider the benefits and risks of receiving or refusing any doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Each person has their own circumstances in which they must discern and make a decision for themselves. If you chose to get vaccinated, that is wonderful! If you didn't, that's also wonderful! But to shame, blame or discriminate against the unvaccinated population for a personal choice, conviction or belief is wrong. There are a plethora of valid reasons why one may not get vaccinated (ex. adverse side effects, medical conditions, religious convictions, natural immunity etc...).
This is not about the vaccine anymore but rather about government control, coercion and discrimination. Jobs are in jeopardy due to vaccination and testing mandates, unvaccinated individuals are being refused healthcare, the list goes on and on. When is enough enough?
It is clear that vaccinations are effective in reducing one's chance of having a severe outcome and/or hospitalization due to COVID. However, the data shows that if you are under 70 years of age, you are at low risk and that the risk for children are near-zero. Here is an interesting statistic to think about. Unfortunately, children are the one who taking the biggest hit due to the pandemic response policies. They are suffering physically, mentally, and socially. Will you take a stand for them?
There is also clear evidence that vaccinated individuals can carry similar viral loads and are still capable of transmitting the virus, despite the high vaccination rates and multiple doses in countries like Israel, Singapore and the United States of America. Yet, there continues to be an increasing pressure on the unvaccinated population to either take the vaccine or undergo testing, even if they are asymptomatic. This is not compatible with the variety of data and scientific evidence available. Considering the high vaccination rates in Ontario with 70% of the population with one dose, how are the unvaccinated threatening the vaccinated if the vaccine works to lessen the symptoms and the likelihood of death, and if the vaccinated can still get infected and transmit the virus? Why is the unvaccinated population being coerced and discriminated against?
We may sing "the truth north strong and free" in our national anthem, yet where is our medical freedom and why are individuals being punished for their freedom of choice? "Real freedom is not a license to do what you want to others or to take what you need from others. Real freedom is a restraint that prevents others from doing things to you and prevents others from taking what they need from you. And vice versa. Freedom draws a line between people that no-one has a right to cross."
I am especially calling on the vaccinated population to take a stand against the discrimination and coercion towards your unvaccinated neighbours.
Take a moment to imagine if you were in their shoes - you would want to be supported and have others stand with you would you not?
So ask yourself, where is my line? What will it take for you to take a stand? When vaccinations are mandatory for all children right down to preschool? When you get threatened or punished by the state? When Family and Children's Services comes to your door because you haven't vaccinated your child? How far is too far? Find your line, and when it gets crossed, take a stand, and stand firm.
God keep our land,
glorious and free,
O Canada we stand on guard for thee,
O Canada we stand on guard for thee.
Christian, we are commanded to love God, love neighbour and live not by lies. Like many people, these ridiculous mandates have encroached more and more on my personal life and I am now convinced that it's time to speak up. We are not to be rude, disrespectful, judgemental or violent. Rather, we should peaceably and respectfully point out illogical policies, fallacies, and discrimination when we see it; point to the rights and legislation that protect individuals, and share the scientific data. Stop being complacent. It's time to make a respectful ruckus.
You love your neighbour by seeking their best interests. You love your neighbour by speaking the truth in love. It is not loving your neighbour to force or coerce others to get the vaccine. You are free to happily inform, recommend, suggest and encourage others to get vaccinated, but you are not to go heralding your vaccine passport or 3-layered medical mask as a virtue signal to indicate that you are more loving or more holy than those who have chosen otherwise. We as Christians are also commanded to be good stewards of the bodies God has given us, and we must acknowledge that that can look different for everyone.
More than that, be encouraged because our God is a good and sovereign God. He uses trials and hardship to sanctify the saints, save the lost, and to teach us to cling ever so closely to him. Let our hope not be found in the government, nor in our persuasive words, nor in medical technology, nor in man, and nor in ourselves, for Christ is our only hope in life and death.
God in his sovereignty has placed you here, in your home, in your city, at your job, in your sphere of influence, at this time for a reason and a purpose. He knew exactly what you were going to endure in your lifetime, He has ordained every single one of our days, and He will not let a single hair fall from your head without it being apart from His will. We who trust in Christ also know that He will one day return and rule completely. All we have to do is simply trust and obey. Do you wholeheartedly trust that God is absolutely in control of all things? So take heart, you were made for this time, for this day, for a specific reason, and in all things, to glorify him.
From the Heidelberg Catechism, Question 1: What is our only hope and comfort in life and death?
“That I am not my own, but belong - body and soul, in life and in death, to my faithful Saviour, Jesus Christ.
He has fully paid for all my sins with his precious blood, and has set me free from the tyranny of the devil. He also watches over me in such a way that not a hair can fall from my head without the will of my Father in heaven; in fact, all things must work together for my salvation.
Because I belong to him, Christ, by his Holy Spirit, assures me of eternal life and makes me wholeheartedly willing and ready from now on to live for him.”
On my way home from church this morning, I was reassured and reminded of the truth proclaimed in the opening verse of Christ Our Glory by Sovereign Grace Music. I hope it reassures and encourages you as well.
Our rest is in heaven, our rest is not here,
Then why should we tremble when trials draw near?
Be still and remember the worst that came come,
But shortens our journey and hastens us home.
A Must Listen:
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