Like Dragonflies
Do we, like dragonflies,
dart around while the lake lies before us?
Its gentle waves crash upon the shore,
and a sweet summer breeze brushes by.
Do we, like dragonflies,
speed past the the sun's painting of the skies?
Strokes of red, orange and yellow
washes behind the billowing clouds.
Do we, like dragonflies,
find ourselves blind to the life that goes on?
The silent spider spinning her web,
the teetering turtle basking on rocks,
and the momentary mayfly fluttering its last.
Do we, like dragonflies,
find ourselves deaf to the call of the loon
as our wings beat and buzz?
Her song rings over the still waters
for anyone who will listen.
Do we, like dragonflies
tirelessly seek out task after task?
To work, to sleep, to mate, to eat
dart left, dart right, circle and repeat.
Do we, like dragonflies,
fail to see the ever-outstretched arm of tranquility that invites us to peace?
To gaze, to contemplate, to wonder and to rest
to sit and be still, to delight and stop thinking 'what's next?'
Yes, there are things to do and things to see,
but peace and rest always lie before us if we just no longer be,
like dragonflies.
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