God at The Arboretum: Getting The Job (Part 1)

May-September 2016

One of goals for 2018 is to simply write more. This blog has always been a means where I can record different aspects of my life and how God has been faithfully at work. Since graduating, I have been at The Arboretum for just over 20 months now. And considering that this chapter is supposedly coming to a close (extend my contract please) when spring rolls around, I wanted to look back and remind myself of how God has orchestrated every single moment.

This story actually starts back in second year (2014), when I had decided to apply for the work-study program in hopes to earn some extra money to pay for expenses etc... After applying for many lab positions and things I thought were ideal for my field, I remember coming across a position titled "Arboretum Multimedia Assistant". I don't even remember why I applied for it as it seemed so irrelevant to my field of study (Wildlife Biology and Conservation Science), but I did and God graciously gave me the job!

From the get go, The Arboretum has been such an extraordinary blessing. As the Multimedia Assistant, I was basically the Arboretum Youtuber, piecing together DIY bird feed videos, recording voiceovers that highlighted different natural phenomenons, it was so so fun (check them out and subscribe at uogarboretum on YouTube). I remember my supervisor taking me out on random excursions and so I begin to learn about the native flora and fauna around me. My supervisor always reminds me of the days when I didn't even know what goldenrod was.

A year or so went by and I heard about a four month summer naturalist position that The Arboretum offered. I applied in my third year of undergrad and didn't get it (which ended up being a good thing), and I applied in my fourth year also. The thing was, I had already applied for a summer job at the African Lion Safari (ALS) and had already done the interview and had already accepted an offer to be one of their tour guides from them over the phone. However, between when the ALS job was offered to me and when I had to go in and sign the papers, I was interviewed and had also gotten the job at The Arboretum.

I was quite torn, my goal that summer was to stay in Guelph as I had fallen in love with the city and the community I had built here. The Arboretum was only a four month job, but the African Lion Safari could potentially be extended until mid-autumn. I also had initially thought that being a tour guide at the ALS would be "cooler", driving buses and boats and seeing charismatic fauna everyday. However, I thought that it could get repetitive, saying the script over and over again (even though I was looking forward to how I could put my own spin on it). Whereas at The Arboretum, I would be leading new and original nature walks every week (which was a terrifying thought) and I would build my knowledge on our native flora and fauna. On top of that, I wrestled with wondering if it would be going against my word if I had already accepted the ALS job over the phone, but I decided that if it wasn't on paper yet, it would be okay. I chose The Arboretum because though it seemed quite challenging and would be a shorter time of employment, I saw that it provided a greater opportunity of growth. Praise God that I had a (temp) job straight out of university. His timing is always perfect.

My four summer months were quite a whirlwind, planning my weekly walks on top of leading countless programs for schools and summer camps every week and whatever other tasks I was assigned. I remember that some days I dreaded leading tours, but by the end of almost every tour, it was incredibly rewarding. I recall preparing to go to one evening program; it was raining, I was tired, I wanted to go home, but during the conclusion of my walk, I was showing everyone a tree core, a means which scientists use to determine the age of a tree. And as I walked around and showed everyone the rings on the core, one kid said "can you teach science at my school?" My heart melted and I thought, "this is why I do this". Day by day, God sustained me.

One particular blessing was my co-worker Alex, who was the Arboretum Intern at the time. She had got the job the year before me, and it just so happened that The Arboretum had gotten funding to hire an intern every year and so, she was the first. Would I be the second? Being the first, she literally paved the way for me and all other interns that would follow. She is incredibly hard-working and organized and she was there for me every step of the way, training me, teaching me, but most importantly befriending me. I thank God for her and what she has done for me, not only at work but outside of work too, like driving me and my bike home some nights.

I loved my summer job. Working with kids, discovering more of God's creation in the 400 acres that was my office space, the friendships and community I had at work, it was perfect - it was God-given. And within a couple months of my time there, I was offered the one year internship following Alex. A whole other year? I couldn't wait.


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