A Year In Review: 2016

In my birthday messages or my christmas cards, I often encourage one to reflect on God's faithfulness and goodness to them that past year. Why? To give thanks for the grace God has shown to us - all we have comes from the LORD, none of it have we earned, none of it do we deserve - each breath we take is because God gives us each breath. It is also important to remember as we move forward. There will be times when God seems distant, when we may doubt or question His faithfulness, and it's in these times that we must remember how He has been faithful so we can continue to trust that He will be faithful. 

As the year closes I took some time to reflect on these past twelve months and highlight 16 instances - not to boast in how great my year has been, but rather remind and encourage myself and others that God is good and that God is faithful! 

1. Convocation
This year, I wrapped up another season of life. After studying at the University of Guelph for four years, I graduated with a major in Wildlife Biology and Conservation Science and a minor in Child and Family Studies. I remember being only one of a handful of people that came to Guelph (no one ever comes to Guelph) but God has used these four years to challenge and grow me in unimaginable ways - from serving at the Guelph Asian Christian Fellowship to getting plugged into Harvest Bible Chapel Waterloo Region. God has shown His faithfulness time after time! My post on convocation HERE.

2. Working At The Arboretum
Not only did I graduate, but by God's grace alone He provided me a job right after! It's an incredible story to see God orchestrating everything over the past few years. I worked at The Arboretum during my second year as a work-study student, which got me connected to the staff there. I applied for the summer internship there last year but didn't get it, which in turn gave me the opportunity to work my potential dream job at Hands On Exotics, working with live animals and educating the public. On top of that, I was offered the summer internship at The Arboretum this year, which was perfect timing because it led to a full year internship which I am currently in, amazing benefits and a raise - all which I was not expecting. The past eight months have been a wealth of experiences and opportunities. I got to see over 100 species of birds at Point Pelee during peak migration season, I got to help band bats and birds, attend many workshops and meet many fellow naturalists. I'm looking forward to what the next 8 months will hold!
3. Wrestling With Church
No one has a perfect year, but even in the imperfections and the difficulties, God means it for good. It's been such a blessing experiencing new church culture since moving away for school and it really taught me to critically think about what we hear and what we learn, what aligns with scripture and how to have a biblical mindset. There were conflicts I wrestled through when it came to the different churches I attended, but I thank God that He brought different people in my life to walk alongside me as I walked through it. I don't think I would say I've figured it all out, but this has definitely been one of the bigger, overarching things God has placed on my heart the past few years. There were times where I was completely shaken but I am sure that God was and is still at work within me as I move forward!

4. Boldness at Street Outreach
This summer I pushed myself to be bold in obedience by bringing the Gospel to the streets alongside my church in Kitchener and Waterloo. You really are sanctified when you do ministry together and two big areas in which I've grown is being able to share the gospel message clearly and concisely as well as be bold for the sake of the gospel. Again, it is only by God's grace that I am able to serve as His hands and feet, to be a labourer for the Gospel. It's always terrifying and is a battle against the flesh but there are so many people who are lost and need to hear the message of the Gospel, and God has chosen us to be His faithful messengers, believing that God will work and save according to His time. Read more HERE
"How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heart? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: "how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" 
Romans 10:14-15
5. Having A Car
After graduating, I decided to take on more responsibility and grow in independence. But without my usual student bus pass, I had to figure out a way to get to work. I decided to save money, not by a bus pass and bike. It's good exercise right? I committed and did it for four months and one weekend at home, my parents offered me to take the car. And so I thought, "take the car and live comfortably when technically you can't fully afford it and have to pay for gas?" Or "choose the hard life and keep biking, saving money?" I decided that if a blessing is presented before you, you can take it guilt-free. And goodness me, I have never realized the luxury of a car this much before. I remember each day pulling out of the lot before driving to work and thanking God that I had a vehicle to use. No more biking while balancing groceries, getting to work out of breath and sweaty - yes, God is good!

6. Opportunities to Serve
God has graciously gifted me with a season of singleness, and while the world almost portrays that as a curse, it is an opportunity to be wholly devoted to the LORD, and to serve and consider others before yourself. Do you recognize how little responsibility and how much time you have as a single person? Don't waste your singleness on you! I've been trying to put that into practice more by serving as a greeter at church, signing up to help set up on Sunday mornings, help cook and deliver food to brothers and sisters in need or who are sick, help my adopted church family tear down and re-build their backyard shed... there is an overflow of joy when you can use your gifts and time to serve others rather than yourself. How can you be serving those around you more this upcoming year in 2017?
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies - in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
1 Peter 4:10-11
7. Seeing God at Work
It is so so cool when God reveals what he's been working on to you. So often we don't understand what's happening but in years, or in decades time (though sometimes you just won't know), but God does brings fruition to something you've previously contributed to. In July, I got a message from one of the students I led for church camp several years ago - and his message showed me how God used me to work in his life, in a way that I couldn't even remember. More about that HERE.

That is just one of the many moments this year that God has shown me how He has used me. Many encouraging moments actually come straight from here - this blog. I've had friends message me about how a certain blog post resonated with them, or encouraged them one way or another and I praise God that He would use my life as a means to pour into the lives of others.

8. Evolution and Creation
Working at The Arboretum has been such a blessing, but God has used that to challenge me in my faith and my critical thinking. I guess I should've expected it being in an academic, science environment, but evolutionary/creation discussions have come up more than ever at work. As believers, we should be ready "to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have" (1 Peter 3:15). God used this discussions to push me into his word more, to strive to build a biblical mindset so that I would know how to respond in any given situation. Once again, I see that God was already at work, cultivating in me a boldness to speak as I served in street outreach, and providing me a church family who were very knowledgable in this area, who encouraged me, and supplied me with endless resources. Read about those challenges HERE.

9. MC-ing A Wedding
I was graciously asked to help in my friend's wedding as the Masters of Ceremony alongside a good friend of mine. What an opportunity to serve my friends on such a special day. Congratulations Alex and Janis, you are loved, and may your marriage reflect the heart of Christ!

10. Family Relationships
I've always had trouble connecting with family as I'm sure we all do, but God has ordained these special people in our lives for a reason, to sanctify us. I've grown in patience and vulnerability, and I would really consider this year as a breakthrough (not that life is any way perfect now) for me - being able to share more openly with them, and learning to appreciate them more. Communication is always an issue, and it'll always be dysfunctional in one way or another, but God uses these for His glory and your good. Yes, it may be hard to believe sometimes, but trust in God! Time after time, we see God using dysfunctional families for His kingdom in scripture!

11. Church Membership
I am officially a church member at Harvest Bible Chapel Waterloo Region! I am thankful to have taken such a step in committing myself to the body of Christ publicly. Being a part of such a community has been so fruitful and enriching, meeting people of all ages through small group and the ministries I serve in, being poured into by godly men, and being encouraged by the little ones as well. May the body of Christ be a light to the world of darkness, an alternate society for the world to see what it means to follow Christ.

12. Doing Devotions with A Friend
The riches of knowing and being in God's Word regularly are great as it is all for reproof, correction, encouragement and comfort - but alongside a friend, the riches are even greater! You discover new depths as one can dialogue with another about the text, ask questions, keep one another accountable, and share life together. I thank God that He has granted me a friend who's willing to commit doing devotions with me. Even when I was on my trip, in which keeping up with devotions would usually fall apart, I found myself doing devotions because I was being kept accountable! Thanks Matt, I appreciate you! If you're struggling with devotions, seek out a friend to keep you accountable! It'll take discipline and commitment, but the reward is worth it!

13. Australia / Tasmania / Hong Kong
God has blessed me with the opportunity to explore and visit family for three weeks this past fall. It was a joy reconnecting with my family and relatives overseas, and I think being older and more mature, I could really begin to appreciate them, getting to know them and where they fit on the family tree, etc...

At the same time, working at The Arboretum helped train my mind as a naturalist, and so when I landed in down under, I was completely captivated by God's creation. The vegetation, the birds, the insects - everything is different over there! How marvelous and awesome is our Creator, crafting the mountains and painting the skies.
14. Inspired to Learn American Sign Language
Befriending a man who was deaf at the soup kitchen I served at really revealed me what a need there was for this demographic. Can you imagine not being able to communicate with most people because you couldn't hear them or they couldn't respond to you? Meeting José inspired me to begin learning american sign language so I could converse with him as well as share the gospel to those who haven't heard it yet! Read about meeting Jose HERE.
15. New Friends / Godly Men
It was pretty much littered throughout my post, but God has been gracious in providing me with many new friends whom are willing to walk alongside me. Godly men who challenge me and keep me accountable. You know who you are. I find that I get emotionally invested in people really easily, and have a hard time letting go, but God has been continually teaching me that in different seasons, there are different people. It doesn't mean that old friends are just cut out of your life but seasons change and we must and can trust that God uses it for our good! Be sure to thank and show your appreciation for those who have poured into your life!

16. Social Media
This might be a cop-out point, but I'm thankful that with the technology today, we can use social media to keep in touch with one another. After graduation, I quickly see my circle of friends disperse as each begins their walk of life, starting a new job, continuing education, moving to a new city, getting married - but social media has helped keep us connected. Not only connecting with one another, but just being a diary or scrapbook too. It was amazing to be reminded of God's grace, love and blessing on me as I scrolled through photos, memories and random videos throughout my year.

2017 is upon us! May you remember how God has been faithful to you as you step into the new year! And feel free to let me know also, I'd love to hear how God has worked in your life this past year. To God be all glory, honour, majesty, and praise! Amen.
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above.
James 1:17


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