Board Games Interrupted

This afternoon, a few friends and I were having a good time of fellowship over board games when we saw the figure of a person outside our window. It came with a knock, and one of my friends went up to answer the door suspecting they were Jehovah's Witnesses - and she was right.

What I thought was going to be a quick exchange at the door before resuming our game became a 10 minute conversation at the door as she engaged by asking questions, and challenging them and their faith while the rest of us sat and watched it all unfold. With time, it was suggested to invite them in to open up the discussion to the other three of us.

To be honest, this was a bit hard for me - we were right in the middle of a game! I wasn't ready to engage in what ended up being two hours of conversation with these visitors, but I pushed myself to be more open to this opportunity, to not be so close-minded - this was clearly an opportunity from God! Even though it wasn't one that I was asking for.

We invited them and started to discuss about the Trinity, was Jesus God? was He just a man? And within minutes each of us had our bibles open in hand, flipping through the pages as we discussed God's Word in a calm, gentle and respectful manner. It was quite cool to see this happen in my living room!

The conversation trailed off in many different directions - until another knock came at the door. Two more JWs whom they knew showed up and I watched one of them urged them in to join our conversation. The discussion went on - and these guys knew their bible, quoting scripture left right and centre and make their points without hesitation.

At the same time, my three friends knew their stuff as well and it was incredibly encouraging to see people younger than me love the LORD and store His word in their hearts. And then there was me...

I sat there quite quiet for most of the conversation - an overwhelming number of thoughts were running through my mind. First of all, I was incredibly uncomfortable, I wasn't sure what to say and even with my bible in hand, i'll confess - I didn't even know where to turn. Everyone was flipping back and forth, and I just sat there. As the conversation went on, I became more and more discouraged to speak, not sure how to contribute to the conversation; I don't even think I fully followed because we were all over the place. I felt so useless.

After they left I was extremely frustrated and disappointed with myself. As encouraging as it was to see and younger ones chime in so well, I was disappointed that I (the older one) wasn't able to lead by example. I was upset and annoyed that I didn't know my scripture well enough. I thought of 1 Peter 3:15 - "always be prepared to make a defense for to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you..." - and it crushed me when I realized that I was not prepared.

At the same time, I am thankful for what happened today - even though our time of board games was interrupted I was humbled by the LORD - reminded that I am no where near knowing everything and that there is so much more to learn, whether if its about God and His word, or about how to respond to other religions etc... I also had to consciously remind myself that regardless of where this conversation went today, we are just a link in the chain in their faith journey. This open discussion today may have just been a planted seed - even if it looked unproductive and meaningless; or perhaps it was for me and my growth. Regardless, God sovereignly scheduled this in today for a reason and we must trust Him in that.

I praise God for His sanctifying work in my life even though it was a bit crushing and discouraging this afternoon. I hope that it will manifest itself into a greater motivation to dig deep into God's Word, storing it in my heart so that in the future I will be prepared to make a defense to those who ask me for a reason for the hope that is within me! I hope this challenges you to do the same - if someone asked you, would you be ready with an answer?


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