I was absolutely fascinated in my Animal Behaviour class this afternoon - our professor talked about his research on the migration of monarch butterflies. These butterflies start their annual trip in Mexico and this first generation make their way up to Texas to lay their eggs and then die; the eggs hatch and this second generation continues the migratory pattern north and the same cycle repeats - until the fourth or fifth generation which is born way up north in Ontario. In some incredible way, this single generation completes the migratory cycle in September/October as they head all the way back south to Mexico to overwinter for about seven months, and then trekking up to Texas to lay their eggs.
Isn't that insane? In all the intricate details of the monarch's migratory pattern, this being only one species of the hundreds and thousands of species that inhabit our planet, I couldn't help but think of God and His creativity, His detail, and His care for all His creation.
Not just with butterflies and migratory patterns, but I remember thinking of God's astounding work during my last day at the exotic animal shelter - to think of the animals that slither on the ground, the ones that fly, the ones that crawl - the ones that have developed sharp quills for defence, whereas others developed coloured patterns to help hide and camouflage; ones that navigate using heat sensors, and ones that give birth to live young that are the size of a jellybean. God created each and everyone of these creatures special and unique in their own way, and we don't even know all about them yet!
Don't even get me started on the marine life; the vast, wide and deep ocean that we barely know anything about - God created organisms that we have yet to discover, organisms that may have already gone extinct - and again, each with their own intricate and unique features. Our Creator God is fascinating, isn't He!?
I pray He will continue to open my eyes to see Him more fully, in complete awe and reverence - what a good and creative God we serve.
Isn't that insane? In all the intricate details of the monarch's migratory pattern, this being only one species of the hundreds and thousands of species that inhabit our planet, I couldn't help but think of God and His creativity, His detail, and His care for all His creation.
Not just with butterflies and migratory patterns, but I remember thinking of God's astounding work during my last day at the exotic animal shelter - to think of the animals that slither on the ground, the ones that fly, the ones that crawl - the ones that have developed sharp quills for defence, whereas others developed coloured patterns to help hide and camouflage; ones that navigate using heat sensors, and ones that give birth to live young that are the size of a jellybean. God created each and everyone of these creatures special and unique in their own way, and we don't even know all about them yet!
Don't even get me started on the marine life; the vast, wide and deep ocean that we barely know anything about - God created organisms that we have yet to discover, organisms that may have already gone extinct - and again, each with their own intricate and unique features. Our Creator God is fascinating, isn't He!?
I pray He will continue to open my eyes to see Him more fully, in complete awe and reverence - what a good and creative God we serve.
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