Walk By Faith & Not By Sight
"walk by faith, and not by sight"
These six words have been up on the screen behind the pastor every sunday morning for the past few weeks. Being raised in the church, I have heard this phrase many many times, but I think for the first time, these words finally are starting to ring loudly within me.
As we continue going through the story of Abraham in the book of Genesis, we have seen Abraham live out this phrase time and time again. In Chapter 22 when Abraham was tested by being asked to sacrifice his son on the alter, even though Isaac was God's promise of a son, Abraham believed that God is sovereign. Though nothing in the moment seemed to make sense, Abraham passed God's test as he chose to follow what he could not see, the everlasting and almighty God. In Chapter 23 when Sarah had died, it all seemed as if God was unfaithful to his promise as He had said that out of Sarah would come nations (Genesis 17:16). Abraham walked by faith by burying Sarah knowing that she would one day rise, and that the promises of God would be fulfilled then. We were challenged with the question; can you trust God enough that you'll give your entire life to God, even if you do not receive what he has promised you? Will you have faith even though death, knowing that He will fulfill his promises then? Today in Chapter 24, Rebekah, the wife-to-be of Isaac was asked to leave his family, her prosperous city, and her comfort for God's kingdom. She was pressured to walking by sight and not faith, but she responds with "I will go", another example of what it means to walk by faith and not by sight.
The world continues to become more and more distracting, things are becoming more and more immediate, whether if it is sin, the sights, or the riches; everything has become so captivating and at the same time so distracting. I have slowly been recognizing my sin in when I choose to walk by sight, how hard it really is, especially when you are surrounded by it all.
So how do you walk by faith and not by sight? You walk in faith by trusting the saving almighty King, the one that promises eternity and things everlasting. I need to be meditating on his Word more, I need to be in more frequent communication with Him in prayer, and I need to be reminded of how He has continuously remained faithful to His people. To honour the LORD even when something may not make sense, when the world tries to suck you in, even when it means going against your own broken and wicked desires. It is much easier said than done, but may the LORD grant both you and I strength to not be drawn to the world, but rather drawn to the Father, abiding in Him always. Where is the LORD leading you? And will you walk faithfully? Will you respond like Abraham? Will you go like Rebekah?
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