Lessons of 2014
Considering I haven't posted since February, I've decided to give 2014 another post or two before we ring in the new year. The blog may not have been active, but let me tell you, my spiritual suitcase has not been neglected; this year has been filled with lessons and challenges i'd love to record, remember and share if you'd like to hear more. So here are the three main lessons i've gotten out of 2014, it definitely isn't extensive, but these are the big ones.
Obey Boldly and Faithfully
This past year, I have felt God call me into a position of leadership that I personally have found quite fearful and intimidating. Ever since joining the Guelph Asian Christian Fellowship 2-3 years ago, for some reason I could always see myself in the position of being chair one day, and it wasn't until around February that I actually started to consider it. Being chair, or as some put it, "President", was a big role to fill, I struggled with (and definitely still do) comparing myself with past chairs and as well as inadequacy. I questioned why God put my in this position, to be honest I asked "why me", it had just always seemed to be me. Although there were times of fear and intimidation, I knew deep down that saying no was not an option, or at least not the right option in my opinion. I believe that if God calls us, we go. I think of all the times where people in the Bible obeyed God's will without hesitation, without question; having full and complete faith in the LORD.
I can still remember that one night during reading week, reviewing my application and praying to the LORD, deciding to commit my upcoming year to Him, for Him to use me in whatever way he pleases, that no matter how scary and uncertain the path may seem, that I would go if he called. I hit submit and a few months later here I am.
I'm currently sitting one semester into the game and there have been the ups and there have been the downs but I've learnt that growth will always result when you place yourself in a uncomfortable and challenging situation. I have learnt and am still learning so much from the experience, and maybe I don't see any or many results in this instance, but believe that the LORD is working!
For any of you who may be questioning where the LORD is leading you, I have two words of encouragement to share with you. First, is that serving the LORD in whatever position He calls you to is an honour. God called you, and chose you for this role, how special is that! Second, look to the LORD, and trust in Him no matter how inadequate you may feel. I'll tell you right now, there are many many many times I have thought "man I have no idea what I'm doing", but that's normal. Exercise faith!
"We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you."
- 2 Chronicles 20:12
Discernment and Exposure
This can be a lengthy one, but ever since leaving home and living in Guelph, attending Harvest Bible Chapel Waterloo Region has most definitely been a great blessing, in obvious as well as not so obvious ways. I've thoroughly enjoyed the community there, having it be a smaller church, most of the congregation know each other by name and it is quite different from the huge church that RHCCC is. I've also been greatly enriched by the preaching and sermons, I love the biblical exegesis each week. By no means am I saying one is better than another as we are The Church, one body of Christ, but each has their benefits and downfalls as any church does.
Going to a different church has opened my mind in so many different ways. Being one who grew up in the church setting, it was very easy to take everything for granted, I just knew to listen to whoever was speaking on stage, to write it down and do it, they have to be right, they're the pastor! But with a different church, with a different hierarchy of values, and different styles, it really pushed me to think for myself. Where did I personally stand on certain issues and topics? Is the message biblically sound? What is Calvinism? Arminianism? Am I calvinist or arminian? The questions are endless; and even though it requires thinking, effort, research, and discussion, I think it was and still is a great lesson on how to better discern and think for yourself rather than taking everything for granted. It was tough wrestling with it and it still is. I'll end it there before I go on a ramble.
God Sightings
Lastly, this lesson has probably been the most encouraging for me. Sometime throughout the past year, I decided to start keeping a journal of all the times i've seen God work and move in my everyday life. It didn't have to be a mega miraculous oh-my-goodness-wow moment, but rather a moment in the nooks and crannies of my day. Each sighting would possibly reveal a characteristic of God or remind me of how he has blessed me. It allowed me to be more aware of God in my surroundings, and more importantly gave me a record of all those moments so I would not forget them. It's great to look back and read especially in times of doubt or discouragement.
Here's a recent God sighting:
"look at the birds of the air, they neither sow, reap or gather in barns, but the Father feeds them. are we as people made in the image of God not of more value then they? Our Heavenly Father knows exactly what we need and will provide accordingly (Matthew 6:26, 32). Our God is a God who promises to provide us with what need and has been and will continue to be faithful to keeping this promise. I am reminded of that at every meal, with the food in front of me, be it a bowl of cereal or an all-you-can-eat sushi buffet, it is a symbol and a reminder that God will sustain me through each day, granting me whatever is necessary."I encourage you to start a blog, start a journal, and begin writing your story and journey this upcoming year, and take the time to look back and you'll see all the magnificent things God has done, is doing and will continue to do in your life.
With that note, my goal this upcoming year in 2015 is to blog more, at least once a week, to share how I have seen God's fingerprints in my day, or how He has spoken to me in His Living Word. Do remind me if you don't see it happening! I'd really appreciate it!
Until next time, cheers! Have a Merry Christmas and may the LORD grant you peace as we celebrate and remember the birth of the Messiah!
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