Gone Dry
Coming back home after eight months of university has definitely been refreshing, but it has also taken a toll on my spiritual life and growth. I'm not sure what it is, but i'm going through a period of dryness, lack of passion and growth, and everything seems stunted. Maybe it's all my investment into job hunting, maybe it's the distractions around me, or maybe it's just the lack of the constant community I had in Guelph. Something just feels wrong. Not having that will or passion to do my devotions, praying and knowing that it's not whole-hearted, and I'm not sure how to tackle it.
I've talked to a few people, and they're reassured me that everyone goes through this, and we should just push on. If we stop completely thinking we need a break, it could very easily just pull us deeper and further away from Christ and that growth. So instead of doing my chapter a day format with my devotions, i've turned to a new devotions app i've recently downloaded by John Piper called "Solid Joys". Hopefully a new twist to my devotions will rekindle that flame and have it burn brighter and brighter.
I've talked to a few people, and they're reassured me that everyone goes through this, and we should just push on. If we stop completely thinking we need a break, it could very easily just pull us deeper and further away from Christ and that growth. So instead of doing my chapter a day format with my devotions, i've turned to a new devotions app i've recently downloaded by John Piper called "Solid Joys". Hopefully a new twist to my devotions will rekindle that flame and have it burn brighter and brighter.
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