Paul's Address - Part 1

The next three chapters, Paul talks to the church about issues that have come to his attention. He addresses two separate topics in 1 Corinthians 11. He first tackles the issue of head coverings in the community, and then he switches gears to The Lord Supper. He confronts the church of Corinth about what they are doing, no sugarcoating, but yet he still speaks in love and understanding.

Head coverings, roles of men and women, husband and wife are discussed from verses 2-16, as I read through the passage, i found it all rather confusing, from covering and uncovering of the heads, it being shameful or dishonouring, but at the end of the day, these were all practices of the past that were placed in, but in this chapter, Paul rules out these practices because all things come from Christ, and man and woman are equal. He puts it in an interesting way, he says that God created man, and woman was created from man, and that man is created by woman (v.12). Its an interesting cycle. I personally think I need to understand more historical context before I can fully explain this portion of the passage clearly. But what i mainly got out of it is that all things are equal, and there are no such practices in the church anymore.
16 If anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice—nor do the churches of God. - 1 Corinthians 11:16
The latter half of the passage is a well known one, especially from the church im from. It is the passage about the Lord's Supper, and we recite it every first week of the month before communion. It's interesting to finally see it in context. In this case, Paul was addressing the divisions in the church, and how they were not taking the Lord's Supper seriously. They took it as a time to judge, to show the gap between the rich and the poor. Some were left hungry and some were drunk (v.21).

When we have communion at church, it is always emphasized that those who eat and drink in an unworthy manner eat and drink judgement upon themselves (v.29). Communion is a time to remember Christ's sacrifice for us, and to proclaim his life and death until he comes. This reminder should not only take place once a month but daily, constantly. This God is our God, our Saviour, the Lord of All, all things should be done in his honor and glory.

verse of the day: 1 Corinthians 11:26
26 For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.


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