passing by...
Coming to HK and heading out for the first time today, it really opened my eyes to the people in the world. At home in Canada, there are times where there are "many people", but not until I got here did I realize that there are MANY people. From the subway to crossing the street, there's a constant sea of heads, faces, and lives.
It's interesting, if you think about it, each of these people have their own network, connections and stories. As we passed by the crowd, I came to realize how different and unique we all are. Even though I look around and see how much we look alike, on the inside we all have different baggage, different stories and experiences to share.
It's in the subway where you can really get a good look and observe the lives of others. Since so many networks or as I've thought about it, "webs" come and gather into one place, public transport, it can provide so many opportunities to get to know each other and share your own stories. Yes, it's awkward, but the door is open there. You either wall through the door, or you walk past it.
There was an incident on this "common place" today. During our ride, there was a grandma just sitting and being about when suddenly I started to hear some more commotion, I turn around and I see her on the ground, as if she slipped from her seated position and onto the ground. People started to get worried, she just sat there, wasn't moving... Was she okay? What had happened? People started to see her, help her about, and within my group of people, my friend decided to pull the emergency lever to call for help. Railway staff came, people were helping, help was being called for, but as for myself I kinda just stood there. A bystander. I didn't know what to do, and I was scared. What could I do? A 17 year old from another country, completely useless. But it could have been possibly a life and death situation. These moments come and go, may not necessarily be that intense and life threatening, but God surprises us with opportunities. Do you take and seize it or stand on the side and watch it pass by? These opportunities are everywhere, it's up to you to see and find it.
verse of the day: Colossians 4:5
Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time.
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