
The past few days on the way to and from school, i've noticed little goslings twaddling across the field with their mother goose. But it was today that i stopped, i watched, and observed life, as spring has finally sprung (with the most outrageous weather i must say). I noticed the protective parents as i walked by, i noticed how curious and how ignorant the ducks were. As they stumbled towards the pond, i noticed one was left behind, checking out the plants or something.

I really took it in, this was life. You start off as a child, always thinking, and living in the moment. Then later on, you grow, you learn and you become a parent, to the point where you're thinking ahead, there are more things that bother you, from the people watching and glaring by, to the struggles you deal with everyday.

13 People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” 16 And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them. 
Mark 10:13-16
Receive the kingdom of God as a little child. What does that mean? What do children have that don't that will help them receive this kingdom better than us? I think when we reflect and compare, we think too much. When a child is presented with a lollipop or any gift, what do they do? They jump right in and take it. Where as an adult would consider the benefits, the reasoning, the purpose, what it is, if its dangerous, but the Kingdom of God is the greatest gift, and you don't need to question it. Go right for it. Its sitting there on the table, on a silver platter with your name on it. Are you going to sit there, doubt it and question, or accept it.

verse of the day: Matthew 19:14
14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”


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