

Each devo i do, i always highlight the most important line. Usually its something that sticks out, something interesting, something that sums up the whole thing, but today, it was a reminder that i highlighted. The simplest point that we must always remember. Every. Single. Day.

"Your Sins Are Forgiven Through Christ"

The devotional today was again about the death of Christ and God's unconditional love for each of us. But instead of re-telling this, i'll share with you what i've learnt at the sermon yesterday.

Firstly, death. Yesterday i was reminded that death can happen ANYWHERE, ANYTIME. If you're reading this, and you find yourself young, i dont wanna scare you, but you may think you may have a lot of time for your life, but you never know. Im not saying dont freak out, but just prepare. And actually live out the expression, "live your life as if its your last". While the earthly meaning is to live your life out, but here, i mean live it for God.

As said in the sermon, life is described as a wisp of smoke. a snap of your fingers. a fast runner. Life. 80-90 years (ideally), is NOTHING compared to eternity in heaven. And as i've learnt, your time on earth, is INCREDIBLY short, and its a test. A test of faith.

Second. The reminder. Many of us think that Easter, is this special time we remember Christ's iconic moment of sacrifice and love to us. But no. We need to and should remember it EVERYDAY. That is why churches have communion each month (for mine specifically), but some churches have it every week. Each week/month/whenever we take the time of communion to remember Christ. Through the Lord's Supper. How Christ shed his blood for us (the grape juice/wine), and how he broke his body and died for us (cracker/bread). I want to try to do this. To try remembering each day of his greatness.

Lastly, not really a reminder.. but the truth. That this is TRUE. Ho-Ming, my pastor went through the different theories of people that could possibly prove the resurrection. From

1. the disicples stole the body. Okay lets think about this. How did a few fishermen, tax collectors, "scrawny" people overcome the few giant roman guards AND the massive rock covering the tomb. They were also beaten. If they made a scheme to lie and not tell, im sure they would under the massive pain they received.

2. The romans stole the body. Again. lets take a thought. Why would they steal the body in the first place. Everyone was convinced and saw Jesus in the flesh after his death. How is that possible. In fact, just to stop everything, they would just have to produce his body and everything would be over. Why didnt it happen? And lastly,

3. this "swoon" theory. That Christ didnt ACTUALLY die. OKKKAYYY. lets think about this again. a) he was whipped with this special whip that latches onto flesh and rips it out chunk by chunk. b) he had to carry the extreme heavy cross a pretty great distance. The bible even says that he fell and he couldnt hold on to it. weakness shown. mmhmm. c) crucifixion. he was NAILED. with MASSIVE nails to the cross. One on each wrist. and One at the feet. Just breathing while he was hung would be excruciating. He'd also die of suffocation. d) he was stabbed. Roman guards stabbed him JUST to make sure he's dead. What more can you ask. WHO DO YOU THINK can survive all that. All the blood lost. No air to breathe, which is essential to life if you didnt know.

What else? Doesnt this all seem pretty logical? Its the truth. Christ DID die. Christ DID return and overcome death. Christ DID live.

our God is an Awesome God.

verse of the morning: 1 Peter 2:24
24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.


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