From The Start,


we were all sinners. From the start as in when we were conceived in our mother's womb. Not only from THAT start, but from the start of the world. From ADAM AND EVE. They let sin into the world. now, thinking about that, doesnt that make you just a BIT frustrated? They were the ones that brought all this pain. this suffering. the tears. the hurt. the boo boo and the ouchies. It was ALL BECAUSE OF ADAM. I dont know about you, but that REALLY bothers me. Why do we all have to suffer because of this one guy who was careless. :(

Not only were we sinners FROM THE START, but we never could have lived up to God's standards FROM THE START. But that's why he sent his son. Through his death, we recieved salvation as the gift. And the death, the faith, set us free from his standards. We must try to be perfect and holy and righteous. Its hard believe me. But we have to keep trying and follow his true example.

So i challenge you to take that step and never give up on becoming righteous for our Lord

verse of the night: Romans 7:18
18 For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.


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